Cannabis Anatomy

  • Cola

    Not Coke or Pepsi, a Cola is the flowering site of the plant where flowers grow tightly together. Also known as the Terminal Bud of the plant.

  • Pistil

    This pistil is no gun, it is rather the reproductive organ of the plant. Made up of a stigma, style, and ovary, this is where the plant is pollinated.

  • Bracts

    These are the small, modified leaves that enclose and protect the seed. Fun Fact: Bracts contain the highest concentration of THC on the plant!

  • Calyx

    The Calyx is made up of individual leaves, known as sepals. The Sepals form the outer cover for the flowers bud while it grows before bloom. These are also rich in resin.

  • Trichomes

    These are all of the crystals that you see when you pick up a nice bud from your local dispensary. These crazy looking hairs are glassy in the beginning of growth and turn cloudy / amber when they fill with THC. Simply if you flower has frost, its gonna be a good time!

  • Node

    The node are the places on the stem of the cannabis plant where the buds grow. Growers recommend at least 4 nodes before you top your plant.

  • Fan Leaves

    Also known as sun leaves or hand leaves, fan leaves are the powerhouse of photosynthesis for the plant. These big leaves as you probably assumed are the unofficial symbol for the cannabis plant.

  • Sugar Leaves

    These are the small leaves that buds form around as the plant grows and flowers. Sugar leaves produce trichomes as well, making them look as if they were covered in sugar. Sugar leaves are saved and used in various cannabis products.

  • Stem

    The stem gives the plant structure and strength above ground. The stem is made up of a main stem with multiple smaller stems coming out of the main stem. Try to keep any stems out of your bowl.

  • Roots

    Just like any plant, cannabis has a network of roots that spreads underground and absorbs wanter and other nutrients to the plant. They also give the plant strength to grow tall.

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