Cannabis Crash Course

With the revolution of cannabis reforms sweeping across the nation, one thing that can be daunting is keeping up with all that has changed. We have come a long way from smoking skunk doobies while hotboxing in a Walmart parking lot ducking every time the security car rolls by… Yeah maybe that was just me. Although, those were some fun times! We can now enjoy our doobies more freely and openly than ever! With that has come a scientific revolution of the plant as well as the way in which we consume and enjoy it. Follow the tabs and learn about the many things cannabis has to offer!

  • Anatomy

    Let’s learn about the basic anatomy of this awesome plant!

  • Cannabinoids Rundown

    What you need to know about the major chemicals in this plant.

  • Major Terpenes

    Let’s dive into the world of Terpenes

  • Cannabis in all Forms

    Indica / Sativa / Hybrid / Ruderalis OH MY! Come learn a bit more about different forms of cannabis

  • Methods of Consumption

    Let’s learn about all the different ways to consume this plant!

  • Cannabis Term Glossary

    Did someone just say something to you and you were like, “….wait what did you just say.” This is a good reference!

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