Tetrahydrocannabinol Relieves chronic pain and inflammation. Reduces nausea. Increases appetite. Useful in helping to treat withdrawal symptoms. Helps with digestive problems as it works as an anti-spasmodic. Anti-tumor properties.
Cannabidiol Proven to treat chronic pain. Relieve symptoms of epilepsy and reduce seizures. It is commonly used for the treatment of anxiety and depression Antipsychotic effects. Relieves feelings of nausea. Improves the efficiency of the cardiovascular system.
Cannabigerol Helps with neurological disorders. Has the potential to help with skin disorders like psoriasis Antifungal effects
Cannabinol Can help with many issues including appetite, sleep, psoriasis, and pain. CBN is created when THC is oxidized, which leads to it being under valued compared to other cannabinoids.
Cannabichromene Blocks pain and inflammation Promotes anandamide in the body
Tetrahydrocannabivarin Proven to assist in weight-loss. Used to prevent diabetes. Helpful for those with anxiety disorders or PTSD.