Smoking / Vaporizing Flower

Smoking Flower

Smoking is quite possibly the most common way of consuming cannabis and has been for a long time. The basic science behind smoking flower is in the combustion reaction that takes place when you put a flame to the cannabis. The combustion reaction decarboxylates the cannabis, which extracts the cannabinoids in a way so that our bodies can absorb them.

Cannabis Smoking devises

Vaporizing Flower


What is Vaporizing?

Another way to achieve the decarboxylation of cannabis flower is by vaporizing your cannabis. Vaporizing or vaping is a much healthier alternative to smoking as it does not require a combustion reaction to extract the cannabinoids preferring to heat the plant to the correct temperature to decarboxylate (decarb) the cannabis. Basically by vaping you are baking your cannabis and inhaling those “baked” cannabis vapors.

  • This is what I would consider your old school flower vaporizer. This is a big machine with a heater and a fan. These devises heat up then push that hot air through the cannabis chamber, baking the cannabis and pushing the extracted vapors into a bag or directly into the mouth. These were highly popular in the older days and has fallen in favor to the other alternernative.

  • Handheld vapes are the new edition to the flower vaporizing game. These devises are highly portable and generally directly pulled from the devise. These machines are generally small enough to fit in someone’s pocket. Flower vapes can be and are generally temperature controlled to optimize the cannabis vapor consumers and patients receive. Now that vaporizers have moved to a more portable route the options in this category are vast so there must be one specific to your needs!


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